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Plastic Grass

A playful musing into how nostalgia can affect national identity and blur the lines between reality, memory, myth and belief.


Plastic Grass contains an imagined past; an absurd and fanciful dream inspired by speculative fiction and a wind quintet. Maryanne has been thinking about how a person could become captivated by this fiction and eventually invite it into their home.


The show is accompanied by Lest, a series of music by 6a6y 6, which was the starting point of the visual work.



“Wrap the rough edges,

and the texture of time,

in grass.

the rolling hills of England,

It is a green and pleasant land.”


The work was part-funded by the Ebor Studio Members Commission Programme. 

The Lady.jpg
The Feaster, the Chicken and The Pendalo.jpg
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Hunter on TV copy.jpg
WebInstall Shot Side .jpg
WebFoxhunter Side.jpg
WebInstall Shot front.jpg
WebInstall Shot Front 2 copy.jpg

Click to view in the virtual gallery space

Maryanne - Plastic Grass A3 v1 copy.jpg

Plastic Grass was also included in group show From the Edge on the Rochdale Yourtrust website.


Take a look here.

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