Interactive sound installation, Manchester International Festival, St. Chad's, Rochdale, August 2021.
An event showing site specific work by the five members of Ebor Sound Artists at St. Chad's.
This work was inspired by the folklore in the church's long history.
A playful exercise in allowing where the stones are laid to be out of our control.
The story goes that during the 12th century St. Chad’s was originally due to be built on a site next to the river Roche. However, after the foundations were laid, the workers found that the materials were moved during the night to the top of the hill. This repeated several times until the church was eventually erected on the site we see today, atop the 124 steps.
Legend has it that the mysterious removal of the stones was the work of spirits, fairies or goblins, whose reasons for the strong disapproval of the original site remain unknown.
Fabrication by Jack-Victor Westerdale